Save $5.00 on any FIVE Kellogg’s® Cereals – Coupon Reset

HURRY and grab this coupon before it’s gone.


I’m hearing reports that this coupon has been reset.

Look for it under these Zip Code: 76905, 84123, 90014 or 79407

Thanks, Crazy Coupon Carls


  1. Sara says:

    I couldn’t find the coupon under any of those zip codes. I even tried mine which is 48423, and no luck.

  2. Sharon says:

    I’m sorry you weren’t able to print the coupon. Because, I had already printed the coupon. I wasn’t able to verify that the reports that I heard, that it had been re-set. But it was such a great coupon that I wanted to make sure I posted it. If there was some chance that someone could print it off, I didn’t want anyone to miss out on it. Most online printable coupons have a limited number of prints. Because it was such a *HOT* Coupon it could be that, it simply ran out of prints. Again, I’m really sorry I that you weren’t able to print the coupon.

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